USA Weightlifting Accepting Class Of 2022 Hall Of Fame Nominations
by USA Weightlifting
The USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame Committee is thrilled to accept nominations for the Class of 2022. The deadline to submit nominees is end of day on Wednesday, Dec. 1.
Members of USA Weightlifting are invited to nominate a fellow member in the contributor or athlete category by filling out the corresponding form below.
An unlimited number of athletes may be admitted to the USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame objectively each year. Last month, Olympians Kendrick Farris, Carissa Gump and Chad Vaughn were announced as members of the Class of 2022.
Three people from the contributor category may be inducted into the Hall of Fame per calendar year. These are the criteria for contributor nominees:
- 25 years of continual service on a national level, beyond that of a referee several times per year
- Two-term president of USA Weightlifting
- Outstanding and long-standing service at the local level having considerable influence at the national level
- Personal coach of three or more athlete members of the Hall of Fame
- Outstanding contribution to the financial well-being of USA Weightlifting
To submit a nominee, fill out both the below Google Form and the Accomplishments Form, which gets uploaded to the Google Form. Remember to include as many of your nominee’s objective achievements as possible to allow for the fullest consideration.
Hall of Fame Nomination Google Form
Hall of Fame Nomination Accomplishments Form
The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, Dec. 1.
Current Athlete Members of the Hall of Fame:
Anderson, Paul 1983 (prior to)
Bachtell, Dick 1983 (prior to)
Berger, David 1983 (prior to)
Berger, Issac 1983 (prior to)
Cantore, Dan 1983 (prior to)
Davis, John 1983 (prior to)
DiPietro, Joe 1983 (prior to)
Dube, Joe 1983 (prior to)
Duey, Henry L. 1983 (prior to)
Emrick, Clyde 1983 (prior to)
George, James 1983 (prior to)
George, Peter 1983 (prior to)
Grimek, John 1983 (prior to)
Gubner, Gary 1983 (prior to)
Higgins, Bobby 1983 (prior to)
Imhara, Walter 1983 (prior to)
Ishikawa, Emerick 1983 (prior to)
Karchut, Michael 1983 (prior to)
Knipp, Russell 1983 (prior to)
Kono, Tommy 1983 (prior to)
March, Bill 1983 (prior to)
Mayor, David 1983 (prior to)
Mills, Joe 1983 (prior to)
Mungioli, Mike 1983 (prior to)
Patera, Ken 1983 (prior to)
Pitman, Joe 1983 (prior to)
Puleo, Joseph 1983 (prior to)
Riecke, Lou 1983 (prior to)
Sakata, Harold 1983 (prior to)
Schemansky, Norbert\ 1983 (prior to)
Sheppard, David 1983 (prior to)
Spellman, Frank 1983 (prior to)
Stanczyk, Stanley 1983 (prior to)
Stanko, Stanley 1983 (prior to)
Terlazzo, Anthony 1983 (prior to)
Terpak, John 1983 (prior to)
Terry, John 1983 (prior to)
Tom, Richard 1983 (prior to)
Tomita, Richard 1983 (prior to)
Vinci, Charles 1983 (prior to)
Bednarski, Bob 1983
Wilhelm, Bruce 1983
Bradford, Jim 1985
Garcy, Tony 1986
Good, Bill 1986
Kratkowski, Stanley 1986
James, Lee 1987
Lowe, Fred 1988
Capsouras, Frank 1988
Grippaldi, Phil 1990
Derwin, Brian 1990
Cameron, Mark 1991
Holbrook, Rick 1992
Glenney, Judy 1995
Clark, Ken 1999
Silverman, Rachel 1999
Carlton, Guy 2000
White, Kurt 2000
Martinez, Mario 2001
Schutz, Rich 2001
Flowers, Sibby 2001
Ostoff, Oscar Paul 2001
Shepatin, Giselle 2002
Maxwell, Arlys 2004
Michels, Jeff 2004
Colley, Colleen 2004
Foreman, Lea 2006
Barnett, Wes 2006
Jacob, Brian 2006
Gough, Tom 2006
Tara Nott 2011
Shane Hamman
Wes Barnett
Karyn Marshall
Carla Garrett
Robin Goad 2015
Cheryl Haworth 2015
Diane Fuhrman 2016
Oscar Chaplin III 2016
Peter Kelley 2018
Mike Jacques 2019
Danica Rue 2019
Cara Heads Slaughter 2020
Natalie Burgener 2020
Current Contributor Members of the Hall of Fame:
Andrews, Gordon 1983 (prior to)
Ayars, Jack 1983 (prior to)
Barnhoth, Lawrence 1983 (prior to)
Bates, Frank 1983 (prior to)
Bergeron, Romeo 1983 (prior to)
Berry, Mark 1983 (prior to)
Crist, Bob 1983 (prior to)
Cyhper, Marty 1983 (prior to)
Eising, Charles E. 1983 (prior to)
Ferguson, Fraysher 1983 (prior to)
Gschwind, Charles, L. 1983 (prior to)
Haley, Don J. 1983 (prior to)
Hise, Bob 1983 (prior to)
Hoffman, Bob 1983 (prior to)
Johnson, Clarence 1983 (prior to)
Kono, Tommy 1983 (prior to)
Levin, Murray 1983 (prior to)
Lucy, Herbert 1983 (prior to)
Matlin, David A. 1983 (prior to)
Mayor, David 1983 (prior to)
Messer, Jim 1983 (prior to)
Newton, Harvey 1983 (prior to)
Paul, Joe 1983 (prior to)
Rader, Mabel 1983 (prior to)
Rader, Perry 1983 (prior to)
Raymond, Joseph 1983 (prior to)
Reno, Denis 1983 (prior to)
Sablo, Rudy 1983 (prior to)
Samuels, Robert 1983 (prior to)
Schubert, John 1983 (prior to)
Smith, Dick 1983 (prior to)
Swirz, Adam 1983 (prior to)
Terlazzo, John 1983 (prior to)
Terpak, John 1983 (prior to)
Toth, James 1983 (prior to)
Weissbrot, Morris 1983 (prior to)
Whitfield, Karo 1983 (prior to)
Williams, Arch 1983 (prior to)
Wortmann, Dietrich 1983 (prior to)
You, Dr. Richard 1983 (prior to)
Zercher, Edward 1983 (prior to)
Miller, Pete 1983
Faeth, Karl 1984
Oyafuso, Wayne 1984
Schmitz, Jim 1984
Clark, Bill 1985
Hughes, Jack 1986
Dulin, Jack 1987
Blasco, John 1989
Wright, Dr. Russell 1990
Wilson, Don 1991
DeMarco, Lou 1999
Tamazic, Bill 1999
Snethen, Dennis 2000
Coffee, John 2001
Hatch, Galye 2001
Cohen, Howard 2002
Green, Ben 2002
Drechsler, Artie 2002
Sadecki, Roger 2002
Pursley, Dr.David 2003
Zeigler, Otto 2003
Cohen, Michael 2004
Guerero, Rafael 2005
Takano, Bob 2005
Nielsen, Roger 2006
Simonton, Les R. 2018
Totten, Leo 2018
Burgener, Mike 2019
Garhammer, John 2019
Swords, Tim 2020
Pendlay, Glenn 2020