Athlete Sport Accident Insurance
General Liability/Club Insurance Program
Coaches General Liability Insurance
How do I purchase coach insurance?
If you are a club and are looking for more insurance products for your club, CLICK HERE for more information.
- Coverage - Current USA Weightlifting registered clubs will automatically be covered under the USA Weightlifting General Liability Insurance, overview available below.
- Club Insurance Requirements - In order to receive liability insurance benefits for your Weightlifting club, you must be a registered club with USA Weightlifting (satellite clubs are not considered registered clubs under the USA Weightlifting general liability insurance coverage). Your activities must also be considered “sanctioned” or “approved” by USA Weightlifting. This occurs as a result of your designation as a “registered club”. With registration as a recognized USA Weightlifting club, the following activities are covered under the liability policy:
- Sanctioned events and/or approved activities include directly scheduled tournaments, practices, camps, clinics, and related activities that are organized, sponsored, sanctioned and/or approved by USA Weightlifting. Sanctioned events and/or approved activities also include ancillary activities associated with the sport of weightlifting such as registrations, warm-up and pre-event instruction, occasional fund raising events, dinners, awards, banquets/ceremonies/expositions.
- Insurance Certificates - If you would like to request an insurance certificate for your club please email your certificate holder's club's name, address, email, phone/fax number, direct contact person's name and email to USAW. If the address to send the certificate to is different from the certificate holder's please supply that as well.