BIPOC and LGBTQ Businesses

Thank you for checking out USA Weightlifting's BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ owned businesses. 

This page was created to elevate BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ members of our weightlifting community in line with the 2020-2024 DEI Action Plan

To be added to the page please contact to complete a questionnaire. 

Business name  Contact Contact email Product or service Club Instagram handle  BIPOC/LGBTQ
Barbarian Barbell  Emmy Vargas

Small Group Training:  For lifters who have experience performing the Olympic lifts.

Weightlifting Fundamentals:  A must for the non-experienced lifter to get the knowledge/skills needed to join small group training.

Open Gym:  Unlimited access to the facility and equipment during Open Gym hours and includes basic programming.

Private Lessons:  1-on-1 or 2-on-1 lessons to improve overall technical proficiency in the snatch, clean & jerk, and supplementary lifts.

Remote Coaching:  An all-inclusive remote coaching service for athletes anywhere in the world

Programming:  3-day or 5-day per week programming plans designed to improve technique and strength in the Olympic lifts.

Education:  Seminars, specialty courses, and USA Weightlifting Courses.

@BarbarianBarbell Latina owned/LGBTQ+
CH Fitness and Performance  Cara Heads Slaughter CH Fitness and Performance provides expert Olympic-style weightlifting instruction and coaching to create optimum fitness and enhance athletic performance.

CH Fitness and Performance was founded by US Olympian and USAW International Coach Cara Heads Slaughter and offers an extensive menu of coaching services and educational programs to meet each individual's specific goals- for the person interested in learning weightlifting, for elite athletes and experienced coaches, and for everyone in between!

Designated by USA Weightlifting as a Community Development Training Site since 2019, our 7200 sq. ft. training facility provides a weightlifting training area with 13 platforms; 4 dedicated pulling block stations, 2 dedicated jerk block stations, a 24 feet-long wall-mounted rig, 30 yards of turf for agility training, Rogue Concept Rower and Echo bikes, dumbbells, kettlebells, med balls, and other strength and conditioning equipment.

Our greatest asset and resource is our team of dedicated coaches. We are committed to and exemplify a core belief that teaching proper technique combined with a thoughtful approach to planning weightlifting training is essential to optimum performance on the platform.
@chfpweightlifting  Black owned
Inward Fitness  Daniel Ward Personal Training, Corporate Wellness, Sports Performance @inwardfitness  Black owned
Jamaica Plain CrossFit  Jasmine Gerritson CrossFit/Weightlifting  LGBTQ+/Latina owned
Limitless Strength and Fitness  Dawn Bordelon Weightlifting Fundamentals Classes, and Beginner-Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Classes (1 on 1 or Small Group)
 Black owned
Optimum Pro-Am Sports  Darren Williams Sports Performance Training and Olympic Weightlifting @optimum_pro_am_sports  Black owned
Pittsburgh Fitness Project  Tom Duer Personal training, Bootcamps ,USAW club @Pittfitprojecr  LGBTQ+
 Unbreakable Strength Co. Anneliese Spence  Strength coaching, in person and remote @Unbreakable_strength_co._   LGBTQ+