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USA Weightlifting Spotlight

USA Weightlifting Statement on Kate Vibert's Experience at IWF World Championships


USA Weightlifting is aware of Kate Vibert’s Sept. 20 Instagram post detailing the appalling and unacceptable treatment she received on Sept. 13 during weigh-ins at the International Weightlifting Federation World Championships. We stand with Kate and applaud her courage to share this experience publicly. I have spoken directly with Kate and we continue to offer her our ongoing support. The body shaming and humiliation she experienced from the international technical officials responsible for her weigh-in is not acceptable in any context, and certainly not as an elite athlete preparing to represent her country at the highest level of our sport. USAW is submitting a formal complaint to the IWF to demand accountability from the technical officials responsible for Kate’s weigh-in and action from the IWF to ensure no such experience happens to any other athletes at future IWF competitions. We are asking the IWF for swift and decisive action on this matter.

Three other athletes, including another member of Team USA, weighed-in with the same singlet design as Kate under the watch of different technical officials and without incident. Kate deserved to be treated equitably and professionally. We share her anger and dismay that she was not.

Importantly, it should not have taken Kate’s Instagram post to elevate this incident to our leadership team’s attention. While we were on site in Riyadh to provide support to Kate during this incident, we could have been quicker to bring this matter to IWF decision-makers and demand action. We are using it as an opportunity to retrain our team so that we continue to be the strongest advocates for Team USA athletes.

– Matt Sicchio, USA Weightlifting CEO & President

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